In walking this morning I noticed many visiting ducks. Most of them were mallards, but one stood out from the rest. It had what looked like a red beak rather than a yellow bill, a green head and multicolored feathers. Yet, it was readily accepted by the other ducks. I think there is a lesson here for us humans.
Lets think about the people that make up a Christian Church. People all over the world who believe in Christ and follow His teachings. The Church then is the CAMP ; The family of God; The household of Faith. In His last instructions to the disciples, Christ called on them to love one another as he had love them. John 17:21-“My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart just as you & I are, Father.”
Christ’s love and power flows out into the relationships in which we live. This then is the calling of the church. Let us practice loving each other. “So let us go out to Him, beyond the city walls.” Hebrews 13:13
Here at Chambrel there are people of every walk of life. Most are very cheerful and friendly and kind. For reason we don’t know, a few are grumpy and never smile . But when you offer a friendly word and a big smile , you will find most people will smile right back at you. Acceptance and kindness is something we can give to each other, and it is a gift that everyone can afford.
Love Others
God let me spread a little cheer,
Erase a doubt, cast out a fear,
Lend a prompt and willing hand,
Be there to listen and understand,
Let me be filled with thoughtfulness,
Love others more, my own self less
And lighten hearts with a smile or a word
Too seldom given, too seldom heard.