Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Christian's Wakeup Call

First turn your heart to
God for grace before you look on any face.
Next, breathe a word of thankful greeting to
Him who watched while you were sleeping.
Now, if you find this hard to do,
invoke your will to help you through.
Just clinch your hands or turn your head,
twill drive the night mists from your bed.
Next say a verse or hum an air to make
an atmosphere of prayer.
At length, when mind is keenly turning,
repeat some new verse you are learning.
Then it will surely clear your vision
to voice in words the day's decision.
To talk with Christ about your work,
for heaven can never bless a shirk.
And now, prepared the day to meet,
arise and stand upon your feet.
Then, from the table while you're dressing,
glean something from the 'Book of Blessing.'
And for the climax of all motion,
fail not to kneel in sweet devotion.
So go you forth with smile to greet
the first and every heart you meet,
And all day long your soul will thrive
and men will thank God your're alive.