Friday, July 23, 2010

Boasting or Modesty

Sometimes the commercials are more interesting than the programs. One such commercial is about two men obviously boasting about their surgeries.

Sometimes boasting or bragging can backfire as in this story: A very wealthy lady was showing her new maid all the rooms in their fabulous house and their wall-to-wall furniture, and boasting about everything. Finally she said to her maid: "This dining room suite goes all the way back to Louis, the fourteenth. The maid replies: "Well lady, you don't have nothing on me. My whole living room suite goes back to Sears & Roebuck on the 13th."

We all know people who boast about their home, car, boat, vacations and jewelry. You get the point. Here are some old sayins:

The empty vessel makes the greatest sound. (Shakespeare)
Never cackle until the egg is laid.
The bigger a man's head gets, the esier it is to fill his shoes.
"We sure shook that bridge," the mouse said to the elephant after they had crossed the bridge.
If you wish people to speak well of you, then do not speak of yourself.
Confusius wrote: "Humility is the foundation of all virtues."

You might say Modesty and Humility are first cousins. Modesty is not a weak and timid quality; it must however be carefylly distinguished from a groveling spirit. Although Pride is one of the 'seven deadly sins,' there is such a thing as a honest pride and self-respect.

We should avoid some four letter words, but utilize these: work, pray and love.

"The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom and humility goes before honor." Proverbs 15:33

The more humble a person is before God, the more he will be exalted.

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