Friday, September 6, 2013


We have created for ourselves instant lifestyles, like wireless phones and wireless computers.  If things don't happen right now we get impatience.

Sometimes my computer don't work fast enough and when this happens I tend to give it more instructions, one after another and then if slows down even more.  What I need is a little patience.

Have you ever put new license plates on your car? The screws are too tight to loosen, the hole doesn't line up for the screws.  How about the vehicle registration sticker?  If you get a corner just right, it will peel right off, but  then what to do with the gooey mess left on the windshield.  What I need is a little patience.

I always get in the longest line at the grocery store or the bank, and the wait seems endless.  What I need is a little patience.

The Metroplex population keeps growing and so does the traffic.  A long wait at a traffic light or waiting for a train to pass, or work on the road or a car wreck means I need a little patience.

We get impatience even with God, especially when we are undergoing a trial.  When  God wants to make a giant oak he takes many years.  Yet, we wonder, if He can create something out of nothing in an instant, why doesn't He act?  Maybe, when our patience is being stretched, we are being given an opportunity to expand.  There is a 'right time' to bring us to maturity and a strong faith.  We read in the scriptures:

"We can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us, they help us learn to be patient.  And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady,"  Romans 5:3-5 Living Bible

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