Monday, June 18, 2007

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Recently the daughter of friends died after battling cancer for over a year. Children aren’t suppose to die before their parents…………are they? Why do such things happen, when, God promises blessings?
In a column by Sinclair Ferguson printed in the Dallas Morning News he said:
There are three principles with which every Christian should be familiar. God works in a variety of circumstances; He is never doing only one thing. God works with a variety of people, What God is doing may not actually lie within that person. .God works towards a variety of goals, Each principle is working in all the circumstances of people’s lives to bring them to the right place at the right time.
How can we be sure God will ‘work all things together for good?’ The Apostle Paul answers in Romans 8:32, if God did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up(to suffer on the cross) for us all, we can sure He will give us all things with Christ. Hold on Jesus' words to Simon Peter: "You do not understand what I am doing now: but afterwards you will understand." John 13:

No value have the things of earth
Within the person of the man
Save as they serve to bring to birth
A fruitful knowledge of God's plan
The fiercest war that man doth wage
Takes place within his earthly cage,
From this he has to free his soul
To bring to birth the Christ, His goal.
David Mitchell 1982


steve mitchell said...

It is hard to understand hurt and suffering on 'innocent' ones. Jesus said, there is none good but God alone; I sometimes say Why do good things happen to me, a not so good person. We live in a world that God controls, but doees not necessarily have 'immediate' cause/effect, and we can thank God for His mercies that we do not get what we deserve; but in Grace, He gives us what we do not deserve. My brother showed me this last weekend that to be Kingdom minded is to live with the difficult times and enjoy the blessings when given.
I am glad that God contols it, and that I do not have to make those decisions.

Historicus said...

God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. We may not always be able to live comfortably, but God can work through all situations for His glory. We have the evidence to trust His goodness, because of His word and the person of Jesus. But it's not always easy to deal with suffering.