Saturday, August 1, 2009


We are studying the book of John in our Sunday School Class. The following verses tell about the anger of the Pharisees when Jesus infers He and God are one (John 7: 28-30.) This led us to a discussion on stress. When there is no outlet for anger, we are stressful. We assume rightly that anger causes tension and stress. The Bible says: “…the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Be not quick to anger, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.” Eccl. &:8.9

Stress is no respecter of persons,. Anxiety and tension are essential functions of living, just as hunger and thirst are. They are our self-protective reactions when we are confronted by threats to our safety, well-being, happiness or self-esteem.

Moreover, some experts on the subject have concluded that even the common cold, and dozens of other illnesses can be triggered by tension. Extended stress can lead to stomach ulcers, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Two great emotions that cause the absence or presence of stress are love and hate. The Bible makes this point over and over again. The message is that if we don’t somehow modify our behavior, we arouse fear and hostility in other people--not a very favorable environment in which to exist!

How do we handle stress? There is nothing more stimulating and tension reducing as taking time to meditate on the word of God, reading the Bible daily ,and communicating with God in prayer . And don’t discount the value of exercise even is it is only a daily walk.. Try to learn to enjoy some kind of recreation. There is a big world of things to do…jogging, swimming, golf, all kinds of games or just watching TV. It takes time to change our practices, but we can gain self-satisfaction in the process of doing so.

Talk It Out With God
If your heart beats faint from struggling,
With the problems and the cares,
That confront us as we walk this mortal sod.
There is just one way to rally-
Just one way to win the day:
Find a quiet place and talk it out with God.

If your heart is sad and lonely,
Longing for companionship,
If you seek an outstretched hand, a cheery nod:
If you’d like an introduction,
To the greatest Friend of all,
You only need to talk it out with God.

For there is no sweeter solace,
No relief that can compare,
With the joy of winging where His feet have trod;
Trouble comes--and you can’t bear it?
All you have to do is share it,
On your bended knee--just talk it out with God!
--M. Kathleen Haley

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